دټولني بنسټ ايښونکی : محمد جان باوري             تاسيس : دکب مياشت ١٣٦٩ کابل، افغانستان               د افغانانو لپاره تاريخي ، کلتوري او پوهنيزي ليکني           

Outline of archaeology in Afghanistan

By: Asosciate Professor R. Bawary

After 1919 started archaeological excavation in Afghanistan by different missions at different times. For first time beginning study of archaeological sites by French archaeologists in Afghanistan at 1922 (Mr.Fuscha and Mrs. Fuscha ) . Then coming Russian archaeologist delegation in 1922 (Wawilov, Gratsov, and Wicheslov).After to this time coming continuous some archaeologist delegation from different countries in Afghanistan, for example: Italian, England, American,Chains, Japanese, and others groups. So that had good resolution for found of archaeological artefacts and ancient history of Afghanistan.

Prehistoric Period

The prehistoric period in Afghanistan that time brighten so that French,American,Russian, delegation with Afghans archaeologists have concentrated on identifying prehistoric sites.

STONE AGE: Yet we can show some artefacts about Middle Palaeolithic particularly Mousterian period of northern Afghanistan is dated from 350000 years ago. In 1959 L.dupree(American Universities field staff, American Museum of Natural History, Pennsylvania state University) and A. Wardak (National Museum of Afghanistan ) found many flint Mousterian _type flake tools at Darra_ie_Dadil and near by Darra_ie_Chaqmaq, Balkh province. Subsequently more Mousterian industries were uncovered in Stratigraphic context at Baba Darwesh (Darra_ie_kur) in Badakhshan province and at Gar_ie_Mordeh Gusfand, Faryab province. Stone tools included

cores, laevulose, flakes and points (struck from a prepared core), hand axe type, various scraper type, and flake blades.At Dara_ie_kur the excavators also found a large fragmentary human temporal bone, which appears to be transitional between Neanderthal man and modern Man. Therefore it is possible that northern Afghanistan maybe transitional zone where a variety of modern man developed physically, with the advent of an upper Palaeolithic blade industry, begun to revolutionize stone Age technology.(7:69)

Upper Palaeolithic:

Archaeologists have identified two areas with upper Palaeolithic blade industries, dating 11-30000 years ago:Aqkupruk, Balkh province, Karakamar and Tepe_ie_kalan, Samangan province of the 82 Aurignacian flint implements uncovered at Karakarom , dating 30000 years ago, 52 were nose scrapers, the rest blades bladelets, and one drill. About 20000 flint implements of the Kuprakian Upper Palaeolithic were excavated from three localities near Aqkupruk,, dating 11-20000 years ago. The assemblage consists of two stone working tradition: A blades and flake tradition with cores utilized and retouched blades and flakes,

Side and end scrapers, keeled and nose scrapers burins ,and a micro industry with cores ,point , burins and bladelets.The excavators also found sculptured object, an oblong pebble with incisions apparently meat to represent a human face, possibly the

oldest sculptured piece found in Asia dating 15000 years ago Mesolithic:

Mesolithic industries , transitional between Palaeolithic and Neolithic, have been recorded at Karakamar and the dunes north of Khulm, Samangan province, both dating about 7-9000years ago

with crudep pottery, flint tools, stone hoes, grinders and grinding stones, polished stone axes, in addition to domesticated animals and plants. In ligt of the present evidence the foothills of northern Afghanistan maybe one of the early centres for the development of the wheat-bale-sheep-goat, and possibly cattle, complex of the Neolithic revolution, which permitted man to control his food supply, and ultimately, for better or for worse led to the creation of urban civilization, a much later Neolithic, about 4000 years ago and in fact a possible variant of an earlier Bronze Age culture, occurred at Darra-ie-Kur, which greatly resembled similar assemblages in south Siberia, Central Asia, Kashmir and Swat. An isolated find a polished stone axe from Darra-ie-Nur on the edge of Nuristan probably relates to the later Neolithic (8:25)


Between 4-5000 years ago, as buran civilization rose in the major river valleys of the Nil, Tigris- Euphrates and Indus, peasant farming herding villages served as the backbone of the economy. Control of a relatively guaranteed food surplus was necessary to support the growing cities and towns with their multitudes of fulltime religio- artisan- political specialists. Three sites in southern Afghanistan probably relate to the evolution of the elaborate complex of rural communities which supported the urban scene. Mundigak (J.M.Casal) Dem Morasi Ghndai (L.Dupree) and Said Qala (J.Shaffer and M.Hoffman ) in Kandahar province. These three sites send to complement each other. Mundigak evolved from an agricultural village (with some evidence of early semisedenterization ) to a genuine town, including a granary and a Massive monument complex the other tow sites remained farming-herding villages. Late Bronze age and early Iron Age objects, about 2-3000 years age, have been reported in northern Afghanistan and Sistan, south of Afghanistan.

About 3000 B.C (Chaleolithic) specific civilization on the bank of Indus River. Mundigak and Sistan areas of Afghanistan, Anow of Uzbekistan, and Mesopotamia developed. Man Main cultural relationships between Mundigak and Mohanjodaro existed during this Age. Those artefacts discovered under Miseu Casel, mission from Mundigak in 1951 are similar to these artefacts excavated by British archaeologist, Marshal, who excavated Mohanjodaro of Indus valley. (3,121)

The discovery of figurines from Mundigak and the architecture discovered from Mohanjodaro were very similar to those artefacts and monuments which were excavated later on from these two sites and belonged to later stages. The first civilization began from Iron Age in Afghanistan minimum 1000 years ago B.C from Chaman-ie-Houzouri found some coins about Achaemenshid period. This head of coins was found accidentally in 1930 by workmen digging foundations of an artefact lake for Kabul exhibition grounds at the foot of Tepe Maranjan hill. Hoard was in a clay pot and contained bits of broken jewellery as well as a fascinating variety of coins. The date of the burial of the Chaman-ie-Houzouri hoard probably should be placed before the invasion of Alexander, 380 B.C as none of the coins date after this. Therefore the Kabul treasure offers the first evidence of the spread of Greek coinage into Afghanistan before Alexander and during the Achaemenshid period.

With the conquest of Alexander the Great a close relation between the Mediterranean coots and the heart of Asia come to existence. This relation further developed during the four century reign of Greek-o-Bactrian and the Greater Kushans. From the mixture of the Greek culture with the Vedic and Vista civilizations, deep changes in the fields of religion, industry, building, literature, language, writing, and spiritual appearances come to existence. Such changes caused the invention of the Artistic school of Greek-o-Bactrian. (6,133) One significant sites that investigated is Ai Khanoum, in Takhar province, at the confluence of the Kokcha and Dary-yi-Panj (Oxus) rivers. Ai Khanoum, excavated by the French Delegation ( D.Schlumberger, 1963-64, and P.Bernard, 1965 to end ), is the easternmost genuine Greek city in Asia. The town plan compares with those of Greek and Hellenistic cities further west. Among other things, the French have identified. An upper town with a huge citadel a lower town with residential and administrative areas, including a palace with a per style courtyard, a gymnastum, the Greek educational establishment which emphasized a balanced intellectual and physical development, and burial ground.One valuable inscription in Greek script and language. A disciple named Clearchos. A loose translation is as follows:


During the early part of the 2nd Century A.C.D . When the Kushan Empire reached its greatest heights under Kanishka, peace reigned from Rome to China and for more than two centuries commerce, are, and religion moved freely by land and by sea along the caravan trade highway known as the Silk Route. The Caesars of Rome and the Han Emperors of China avidly exchanged their most exotic products while bargaining for the spices, gems and cosmetics of India and Ceylon and the gems andfurs of Central Asia. We can show most sites belong to Greek Kushan period in Afghanistan for example: Bagram ( excavated by D.A.F.A). Surkh Kotal (excavated by D.A.F.A) Shotorak-Paitava(D.A.F.A). Hadda (D.A.F.A)Bamiyan and other sites. The Bamiyan province was very important for all Buddhist religion followers. Tow greats statues of Buddha located in Bamiyan. The valley of Bamiyan lies at the heart of the Hindukush Mountains about 150 miles north-west of Kabul. During the early centuries of the Christian are endless caravans of luxury-laden camels plodded along the Silk Route between Rome, China, and India, passing through this valley where bustling caravansarais gave haven to weary travellers later, after Buddhism experienced an extensive revival in India, missionaries and pilgrims joined these caravans and a great religious centre burgeoned in Bamiyan.(7,96)

The ancient information about this greats statues remained from religious tourist, who where come from part of the world to ancient Afghanistan, particularly to Bamiyan. For example: Fahissan come from China to Bamiyan in 400 A.D. He wrote about Bamiyan and greats statues: The great statues of Buddha located in very canyon in Bamiyan .The all canyon and particularly around of the statues swept by sweepers every day. This zone have many restaurants and hotels and more Buddhist students and monks are living in monasteries near to greats Buddha.(2,84) after to Fahissan other famous religious tourist Heun Tusan coming in 600A.B. at Bamiyan. He have very interesting information about Buddha statues and Buddhist religion and about Bamiyan .He wrote: in Bamiyan activates are 10 convents so that convents have 1000 bodies preacher for spread of Buddhism, also in this place wrote very interesting Objects about greats statues of Buddha in Bamiyan. (5:130) when Chai Haw korian religious tourest did come at Bamiyan in727A.B. The all peoples have belief to Buddhism , Chai Haw wrote :here are two sect of Buddhism ( Maha Yana ) present. OthersReligion tourest also come for fulfilment and religion ceremonies of Buddhist , going coming cantinuos so that disuonded greats empire of Kushans in ancent Afghanistan . in the time of rushing of Arabic thereis information about Bamiyan statues . But during that time famus writers have mentioning about Bamiyan and his greats Buddha statues, for example: Yaqut, Tabari, Ebni Houkal Juoz Jani, Firduosi and others.(1: 181).

The Bamiyan and his greats Buddhas statues once again during attack of Mongolian emperor Changez khan in some effects have discussion about great statues in Bamiyan to saying so that Magolian war_lik coming to Bamiyan some soduiers wanted to his arrow arievded to head of Buddha statues but on one canat reach his arrow. The greats Buddha statues height are, Buddha (Silsal) 53 meters and Sakanomy (Shmamah) 35 meter. Then king Orangziab cutoff front of the great Buddha, by shutting of cannot in 15 century. (5,135). Before excavation in Bamiyan during of 19 century Mr.Brawn as from England, Mr.Fronce wilffer from France, Mr.Cop Matland come to Bamiyan and wrote some object about Bamiyan and greats statues of Buddha. But for first time in

1922 started systematically excavation by French archaeological mission in Bamiyan, first mission from French Mr Foucha, Mrs Foucha come 1922 at Bamiyan for study and study of scientific excavation. The first scientific studies of Bamiyan 1922-33 by D.A.F.A.(Foucha, A. Godar, J. Hckin, J. Caral) since 1969 the India archaeological Delegation (R.Sengupta) and some member of Institute Archaeology of Afghanistan had undertaken a program of preservation and cleaning at the cliff of the colossal Buddha. after to this delegation going and coming was started.

In the part of Greek-o- Buddhic civilization, we can mention the name of the place where this civilization devolved. This place is called Gandahara. Historian and scholars say that Gandahara is an important strategic region between Bakhteria and India. ( 6: 134 ) The art of Hadda belong to the great Gandahara school and exhibits a mingling of Bakhtarian, Greek-o-Roman and India concepts. The western element includes classic profiles, Pseudo corintian capitals, vine scrolls and Roman drapery many similarities: with Gothic Christian art indicate that a reverse cultural borrowing also took place. The Gandahara school , centred in the Jallalabad ? Peshawar area, produced for the first time a representation of the Buddha in human from. In older India bas relief?s the Buddha was portrayed only, such as an empty throne, a turban, an umbrella, a rider less horse, a foot, a begging bowl a casket of ashes, etc. The creation of a Buddha in human from followed a great council held in Kashmir at which it was decided that if Buddhism was to improve its image and gain in popularity over militant Brahmanism, it must humanise the Buddha figure Mahayana Buddhism, a new school stressing the miraculous life and personality of the Buddha and teaching compassion and

universal salvation, was officially sanctioned at this council led directly to the desire for a representative image of the Buddha as object of worship more personal and accessible than symbols heretofore employed. Some scholars attribute the first Buddhism age to Greek influence, others to influences from Rome, via Alexandria and the Rosea. And recent dramatic archaeological discoveries of Greek-o- Bakhtarian clay sculptures in a Kushan?s palace in Uzbakistan could be seen as direct antecedents of the many Hellenistic in the Hadda stuccoes. The sites of Hadda lies on a flat plain five miles south of Jallalabad in Nangarhar province. One of the mast sacred spots in the Buddhist world during the 2nd to the century A.D, it attracted countries pilgrims from far of lands to worship at its holy shrines, maintained by thousands of monks living in large monastic complexes. The Jallalabad valley is strewn with hundreds of Buddhist ruins and those at Hadda have acquired great from.(8:30)

Herodotus and strabone say that the Gandahara region is located between Kunar and Kabul.( Now Nangarhar province ). Scholars believe that the discoversof the Gandahara art Greek-o- Bakhtarian because after defeating the Saaks, they cam from Bakhterian part of Hindukush and settled down in Gandahara.

Two early Islamic period can be distinguished in Afghanistan. The first is the period of Islamic penetration. Within 30 years after the deat of the prophet Mohammad in 632 A.D. the Arabs had reached Heart by way of Sistan. At the beginning of the 8the century Arab armies had crossed the Oxus River in to what is now central Asia. The conquest of Kabul and Kandahar cam later during the Ghaznawid period, in the second half 10the century when the ruling kings in Kabul, the Hindushahi, were driven beyond the Indus River.The second period which lasted from the final decades of the 10th Century through the 11th Century covers a time when Afghanistan was the seat of powerful kingdoms:Taherids, Safarids,Ghznavid,Ghorids and others. The Ghaznawid and Ghorid was foremost and glories kingdoms at 10 to 12th centuries in Afghanistan. The following Monuments and Architecturs belong to this period : palace SultanMahmood Ghaznawi (998_1030). Mausoleum Sultan Masood 11th CenturyA.D.Minarets 12th Century, and others and late 12th Century of Ghorids period Jam Minaret in Ghor province, Masjid_ie_Jami 1200A.D.Ghorid Lashkari Bazaar and Qalh_ie_ Bost situated at the Confluence of the Hilmand and Arghandab Rivers. and others. The Timurid period is also important at Islamic period in Afghanistan. Musalla Complex 15th Century A.D.The Ghawhar Shad Mausoleum, Ghazargah 15th Century in Heart The excavations of the French Archaeological Delegation at Lashkari Bazaar(1949-52)added greatly to our knowledge of early Islamic Afghanistan.(4:146).


1-Bawary,Rasul.Archeaology of Afghanistan.(Kabul: Afghanistan) 1990.

2-Bawary,Rasul .Muse logy and the Development of Museum in Afghanistan .(Kabul: Afghanistan).1996.

3-Bawary,Rasul. Mundigak and Neighbour Sits. Ejtemai olum. (Kabul: Afghanistan).1996.

4-Habibi,Abdul Hai. Short History of Afghanistan .(Kabul: Afghanistan). 1967.

5-Kuhzad.Ahmad Ali. History of Ancient Afghanistan.(Kabul: Afghanistan).1967.

6-Mahmood.Shamahmood. Greek-o-Buddhic period .Ejtemayi olum .(Kabul: Afghanistan).1990.

7-Nancy.Hateh, Dupree.An Historical Guide tp Afghanistan

(Kabul: Afghanistan).1977.

8-Nancy,Hateh, Dupree. And Motamedi. National Museum of Afghanistan.(Kabul: Afghanistan).1974.

9-Sarhang,Payanda.M.Bamiyan and Tourism (Kabul: Afghanistan). 1983.

Assen : Netherland


Outlin of archaeology in Afghanistan

By: Asosciet professor R. Bawary

Publishir: S.A.C.G.in Nederland

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Asosciate Professor R. Bawary   

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